Your Source for Custom EPS Arches!

EPS Foam Arches

EPS Foam arches for many designs and uses

  1. Shaped Arches - We can match most any profile shape and create a arch to match the curve desired. Long arches are usually made in 4 foot or 8 foot sections when the arch spans 30 foot or more. The size profile can also be made in a solid piece making for easy of installation.

  2. We can make Radius Arches, Segmental Arches, & Elliptical Arches to fit any curve desired.


  1. Arch Plugs - half circles or curves used to fill in a arch shape. Excellent for use in creating a plug for concrete arch shapes. The sizes of the foam can be         made very big but still be made solid to support a very open span.

  2. Arch Fillers - The outside curve of a window or door opening - arch fillers are used to fill in square openings to create arched openings.

  3. Arch Bands - Arches used to provide detail, shape, & decoration to existing plain arches, or can be used to create the illusion of arched openings on a flat wall surface.










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